Xp Diabetic Walker System Medium

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  • Regular price $310.97
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* Pneumaticwalker Diabetic System Includes * Xp Diabetic Walker * Insoles (one Impax Grid And One Plastizote) * Stockings * Hand Bulb With Pressure Gauge * An Aircell Lined Shell That Maximizes Plantar Unloading Regulates Shear Stress And Provides Protection And Immobilization * Graduated Compression To Help Reduce Edema * Multi-aircell Support For A Total Contact Fit * Regulated Aircell Inflation With The Specialized Hand Bulb With Pressure Gauge * A Specifically Designed Rocker Sole To Reduce Plantar Pressures And Improve Off-loading * Small Men's 4-7 Women's 5-8 * Medium Men's 7-10 Women's 8-11 * Large Men's 10 -13 Women's 11-15 * X-large Men's 13 + Women's 15+ *

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