Thermoskin Open Knee Wrap Stabilizer Beige Large

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  • Regular price $52.74
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Large * Fits Knee Circum. 14.5 - 15.75 (measure Slightly Bent Underneath Knee Cap) * Wrap Design With Velcro Closure And Open Patella Means Comfort For Tenderness Or Bruising On The Kneecap * Has Full-length Anterior Opening Popliteal Cut Out And Unrestricted Knee Flexion * Side Spirals Give Additional Support * Captures Body Heat & Increases Blood Flow * Allows Skin To Ventilate & Release Moisture * Measure Slightly Bent Underneath Knee Cap * Color: Beige * Hcpcs Description: Knee Orthosis Elastic Knee Cap Prefabricated Includes Fitting And Adjustment

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