Portable Ultrasound Us1000

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Us 1000 3rd Edition Is An Fda Approved Portable Therapeutic Ultrasound Unit * New - Now With 3 Power Output Settings * Device Must Be Used With Ultrasound Gel To Conduct The Ultrasound Energy To The Skin * Comes Complete With Ultrasound Ac Adapter Carrying Case Ultrasound Gel And Instruction Manual * Generates Deep Heat Through A Piezoelectric Crystal Sound Head * The Piezoelectric Crystal Converts Electrical Energy Into A Strong Vibratory Sound Wave Or Ultrasound * Sound Waves Cause Vibration In Soft Tissue Cells Increasing Temperature And Inducing Vasodilation * Power Source: Ac Adaptor (dc 24v/200ma) * Output Frequency: 1.0 Mhz +-10% * Temporal Maximum Power: 8w +-10% * Output Intensity: Low 1.6w (0.11 W/cm2) Medium 2.6w (0.24 W/cm2) High 4.6w (0.47 W/cm2) * Duty Cycle: Low 7% Med 15% Hi 30% * Output Mode: Pulse * Pulse Width: 5.4ms +-10% * Repetition Rate: 150hz +10% * Timer Setting: 30 Minutes Auto-off +-1% * Weight Of Unit: 120 G * 6 Month Manufacturer Warranty On Unit

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