Pacifica Elite Nebulizer-18070 Piston Powered-retail Boxed

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  • Regular price $39.39
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Retail Packed * Ultra Compact Design Makes It Extremely Portable * Weighs Only 3.3 Lbs * Powerful Piston Pump Is Efficient Dependable And Quiet * Maximum Pressure: 35 Psi * Liter Flow: 5-6 Liters/minute * 5 Year Limited Warranty * Comes Complete With 1 Nebkit 500 Packed In Box * Electrical Requirements: 120vac 6ohz * Particle Size: Less Than 5 Microns * Maximum Pressure: 30-35 Psi * Operating Pressure: 16 Psi * Unit Dimensions * 5.5 X 7.4 X 4 * Weight * 3.3 Lbs * Operation Humidity And Temperature Range * 50f-104f 30%-95%rh * Storage Humidity And Temperature Range * 13f-140f 30%-95%rh

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