Jobst Ultrasheer 8-15 Mmhg Thigh-hi Silky-beige Xl Women

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  • Regular price $32.46
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Thigh High * Natural * Plus * Shoe Size 11 1/2- 13 * 8-15 Mmhg * With Over 50 Years Experience In Compression Therapy Jobst Is The Market Leader * Jobst Makes Your Legs Look As Good As They Feel! * Provides Relief From Tired Aching Legs * Reduces Mild Swelling * Helps Improve Circulation * Provides Continuous Relief From Tired Aching Legs And Mild Swelling * Use Gradient Technology To Help Improve Circulation And Revitalize Your Legs Especially When Sitting Or Standing For Long Periods Of Time * Styles Available Are Knee High Pantyhose And Thigh High * Ultrasheer Thigh-high * Fine Yarns For A Sheer Look * Provides Relief From Tired Aching Legs *

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