Flash Black

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Flash Black - Tire Dressing

Product Information:

Dress up your ride by making the tires and plastic trim shine! Simoniz® Flash Back is a uniquely formulated water-based dressing that is safe for all rubber and unpainted plastics. There is no need to dry the surface first as the product can be applied to a wet surface without effecting the results. This product can be safely applied to plastic components in the engine compartment as well as rubber gaskets without worry. Simoniz® Flash Back is even formulated for easy clean up from driveways and garage floors without the long term staining that comes with many tire dressings on the market.

How to Use:

  • To avoid over application, spray directly onto a foam applicator or sponge.
  • Apply to the surface and allow to dry.
  • For large surfaces, spray the product directly on the surface and blend with a towel.
  • In the event of over saturation, wipe excess away with a clean towel.
  • This product is great for dressing plastic components in engine bay and unpainted exterior molding.


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