Facial Sauna System Warm Steam Moisturizing Mist

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  • Regular price $57.60
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Warm Steam Facial Sauna * Dual Facial Sauna Cones: Wide Facial Steamer And Narrow Sinus Cone * Bonus Battery-operated (2 Aa Batteries Not Included) Facial Tool With 2 Attachments: Gentle Exfoliating Brush And Sponge For Applying Moisturizer * Safe Automatic Shut-off And Timer To Customize Length Of Facial Or Nasal Treatment * Ul Listed * Limited One Year Warranty * Warm Steam Facial Sauna Opens Up Your Pores To Help Loosen Dirt Oil & Blackheads For A Deeper Cleanse * 7 Timer Settings For All Skin Types And Skin-care Needs * Enhances Overall Skin Tone & Elasticity While Hydrating Your Skin * At-home Skin-care Treatment That Cleanses Hydfrates & Refreshes The Skin *

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