DCS Plantar Fasciitis Sleeve Small-Wm 4-6.5/Men 3-5.5 Orig

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DCS Plantar Fasciitis Sleeve Small-Wm 4-6.5/Men 3-5.5 Orig
- Small
- Original Blue/White color
- Average Shoe size W4-6.5 / M 3-5.5
- The DARCO DCS Plantar Fasciitis Sleeve is woven to be anatomically correct
- Wave compression technology on the plantar surface of the foot provides a sustained stretch on the plantar fascia
- The DCS PF gives relief from the discomfort associated with plantar fasciitis by promoting circulation reducing edema and foot fatigue and relieving morning foot pain
- Constructed of medical grade fabric that is latex free
- Comfort Zone on the Anterior Ankle Fold to prevent pinching or binding
- Low Profile Design.

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