Dark Chocolate Flavor Hot Cocoa Mix (6 50 x 071 oz packets)

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  • 99.9% caffeine free
  • 6, 50-count commercial cartons
  • Made with real Nestlé cocoa
  • Uses sustainably sourced cocoa beans
  • Part of the Nestlé Cocoa Plan, which supports farmers for better chocolate

Nestlé hot cocoa packets make a rich-tasting, full-bodied cup of cocoa. With 100+ years of making chocolate memories, Nestlé knows how to provide cocoa with a rich, creamy taste like no one else.

Since it’s made with real Nestlé cocoa using sustainably sourced cocoa beans, Nestlé Dark Chocolate Flavor Hot Cocoa Mix can help you reach social responsibility goals.

Each bulk case contains 300 single-serve hot cocoa packets. The dispenser box helps keep counters clean and organized. That makes Nestlé dark hot chocolate a great choice for offices, cafeterias, restaurants, and more.

Chocolatey Goodness Operator Rebate Offer; for a limited time, purchase any Nestle Hot Cocoa product and receive $5 off a case, up to $1,500. Click here to sign up nestleprorebates.com.

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