Acrylic pocket mop

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Blue acrylic pocket mop

Suggested for dusting of all kinds of floors.


100% solar-powered textile production
Product sold in packaging compliant with Legislative Decree 116 of 03-09-2020 concerning the obligation of environmental labeling for correct disposal at the end of use. 99% of the cardboard packaging used by the company is made on average with 80% recycled paper

  • A high electrostatic charged fiber that collects and attracts dust particles, thus increasing the performances of the mop
  • Made in Italy
  • Latex-free product

Yarn: coloured acrylic
Support: cotton

Follow carefully the washing instructions and warnings on the detergent packaging (temperature and dosing) before washing
We recommend the use of normal detergent for textiles, no fabric softener
We suggest to use the specific net bags for the mop washing

LogoMAX washing temperature: 50° C

LogoBleaching possible - Do not use chlorine or bleach


LogoNo ironing

LogoDo not dry clean

No tumble drying
Do not use softener
Use alkaline detergents with Ph < 11

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