Ortho Wedge Healing Shoe Large

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  • Regular price $32.57
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Large: Mens 10 1/2 - 12; Women's 13+ * Black * The Darco Orthowedge Off-loading Shoe Is Clinically Proven To Reduce Weight Bearing Pressure On The Forefoot Which Promotes Faster Healing After Surgery Trauma Or When Forefoot Wounds Or Ulcerations Are Present * 15 Wedge Sole Effectively Shifts Body Weight To The Midfoot And Heel. Reduces Forefoot Pressure By As Much As 57%! * Square Toe Design Acts As A Bumper To Protect The Toes When K-wires Are Present And Provides Better Left/right Fit * Ankle Strap Seats Foot Firmly In Shoe To Reduce Heel Slippage And Eliminate Friction * Removable Forefoot Closure Provides Security While Eliminating Buckle Pressure * Zoned Outsole Has An Aggressive Tread Under The Mid-foot Where Traction Is Needed Most * Removable Insole Features Twice The Padding Of Standard Insoles And Can Be Modified As Needed. Insole Can Be Totally Removed To Accommodate Darcos Innovative Peg Assist Customizable Off-loading Insole * Optional Peg-assist Insoles Available: Use 1471a-1471e * Hcpcs Suggested Code: L3260

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