Bath Bench Adj Ht. W-back-kd Remov. Padded Arms (pmi)

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  • Regular price $74.49
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With Back * Non-retail Carton * Removable Padded Armrests Provide Comfort And Added Security * Blow Molded Bench And Back Provide Comfort And Strength * Drainage Holes In Bench Reduce Slipping * Aluminum Frame Is Lightweight Durable And Corrosion Proof * Tool Free Assembly * Legs Are Height Adjustable To Accommodate Large And Small Individuals * Limited Lifetime Warranty * Width (outside Legs)16 * Seat Width 16 * Depth (outside Legs) 17.3 * Adjustable Seat Depths 14 15 16.5 * Seat Height Highest 20 ; Lowest 16 * Knocked-down * 300 Lbs. Weight Capacity

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