Package Of 6 * Contains 2 Each Of Tan Red & Blue * Built-up Handles Give Greater Control To People Who Lack Coordination Strength Or Gripping Ability * Tubing Has A Slip-resistant Skin * 12 Long (can Be Cut To Length) * Tan - 1/4 (.6 Cm) I.d. 1 (2.5 Cm) O.d. 3/8 (.95 Cm) Wall Thickness. Red - 3/8 (.95 Cm) I.d. 1 1/8 (2.9 Cm) O.d. 3/8 (.95 Cm) Wall Thickness. Blue - .7 To .8 (1.8 To 2 Cm) I.d. 1 1/8 (2.9 Cm) O.d. .21 To .29 (.53 To .75 Cm) Wall Thickness